
Win One of Ten Double Passes to See Romantic Comedy ‘Falling for Figaro’

win tickets to see falling for figaro

There’s nothing we love more than a good rom-com, and Falling for Figaro is just that.

Falling for Figaro stars Australian actress Danielle Macdonald, who you may remember from 2017’s Patti Cake$, as well as the one and ONLY Joanna Lumley, aka Ab Fab’s Patsy Stone.

The film follows Millie (Macdonald), a brilliant young fund manager who leaves her unfulfilling job — and long-term boyfriend — to chase her lifelong dream of becoming an opera singer in the Scottish Highlands.

Lumley plays Meghan Geoffrey-Bishop, a fearsome singing teacher who believes that only with a broken heart can you really learn how to sing. While preparing her two students, Max (Hugh Skinner) and Millie, for the same competition, Meghan manipulates their love lives to get the best performance out of them.

When Macdonald signed on to star in the film, there were a few things that attracted her to the opera-based rom-com.

While chatting to The Latch over Zoom, she said that she’s “never seen a rom-com that was about opera before”, which piqued her interest.

“It was a different tone than what you’re used to seeing in a rom com,” she said. “I love that kind of British, quirky sense of humour that was in there, and I was very drawn to that!”

Related: Danielle Macdonald: “Joanna Lumley Is Everything You Want Her to Be, and More”

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She continued: “I was like ‘this is gonna be fun, and cute’, and it’s hopeful, but it has a little bit of an edge to it, which I like.”

The film, Macdonald said, gave her “a whole new appreciation” for the art of opera.

“It turns out I really like opera!” she exclaimed. “I find it really fun! Now whenever I see signs for a new opera, I’m like ‘ooh, I should go to that!’, it’s very appealing to me now.”

If you’re keen to check out Falling for Figaro, we have just the competition for you. We’re giving away double passes, and all you have to do is tell us, in 25 words or less, what your go-to karaoke song is, and why.

For all the information, and to enter the competition, head to our Instagram below.

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