Pornhub Launches a Sex Education Series

Sex Education

Big props to Pornhub, who launched its very first sex education series to bridge the gap between porn and sex education.

It will cover a range of topics including “healthy masturbation habits, the proper way to use a condom, female anatomy, and what is normal (and what is not) for people with a penis?”

Easily accessible to everyone, the series is available on Pornhub’s YouTube channel, with an introduction episode featuring Dr Laurie Betito, a clinical psychologist who specialises in sexuality and sex therapy and is the director of the PornHub Sexual Wellness Centre. Their goal is to help you navigate all experiences related to love, sex and intimacy in a healthy and holistic way.

In an “unprecedented” move, Betito teamed up with the popular porn site in 2019 to create an “online resource for people around the world to get insight and information relating to sexual health and wellness”.

According to the psychologist, the response has been overwhelming, with millions of people already visiting the site to “inform themselves” through the platform.

“We knew we’d be helping many people, Betito said during the introduction video, adding: “But we had no idea how much of a difference we would be making”.

The centre is an “inclusive space” and offers a full range of information on sexually transmitted infections and birth control, general anatomy, Trans-health, LGBTQIA+ relationships, dating advice and insight into different kinds of lifestyles.

Sexual health experts include a wide range of authorities on the subject including Sophia Banks, Dr Kat Van Kirk and Dr Cat Meyers to name a few.

“Together, we will continue to answer your questions and delve into the topics we believe you need to know about.”

If you have a question or a specific topic you want to be covered, Dr Betito urges you to get in contact with her at

Visit the PornHub Sexual Wellness Centre here.

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