While Jury Duty hasn’t been embraced by all of Earth’s critics, it has certainly developed a rabid fan base. This can be demonstrated in its Rotten Tomatoes audience score. As of May 29, this number’s sitting at a respectable 98% fresh.
“Jury Duty is so good! Would definitely recommend,” wrote one regular-human.
“I came across this show quite by accident. I started the first episode and was hooked,” wrote another.
What’s more, these reviews are just a drop in the bucket. There are plenty of people stanning this series.
So, with this in mind, what is Jury Duty all about? And where can you binge Jury Duty in Australia? Let’s answer these questions right now.
What Is Jury Duty all about?
Jury Duty is a comedic series that chronicles a fake trial in Los Angeles. Some parts are scripted, while other bits are improvised. However, everything that happens is planned.
Now, this premise so far is pretty standard. But that’s because we haven’t got to the spicy twist. And that twist is: One of the 12 jurists doesn’t know that the trial is a sham.
That’s right, Ronald Gladden, a solar contractor from San Diego, believes that he’s jurying a real court case. Which is buckwild, ‘cause a lot of absurd stuff happens around this man.
The comedy here comes from Gladden reacting to the shenanigans that surround him. The joy comes from him going through a marathon of pranks.
Where Can You Binge Jury Duty in Australia?

Jury Duty is currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video. Each episode is around 26 minutes long, and there are eight of them in total. As of April 12 of this year, the whole series was available to binge.
So, with all of this being stated, what are you still doing here? Go! Go, and gobble up this series, before the day turns to dust.
Related: Unpacking All of Jury Duty’s Juicy Little Spoilers
Related: Jury Duty’s Ronald Gladden is the King of Instagram
Related: Pulling Off a Season Two of ‘Jury Duty’ Would Be Tricky
Related: Order in the Court — Here’s a List of Jury Duty’s Cast
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