Sick of Paying for Masks? Then Dan the Man Has Got You Covered

If you’ve been lost in a Westfield parking lot since 2020, then you might be surprised to discover that a pandemic has been going on for the past few years. Moreover, if you didn’t know that, then you probably won’t know that wearing a mask can help slow down said global emergency from overwhelming our healthcare systems.

However, you’ve been in a Westfield parking lot for a super long time, so when you finally find your car, it’ll probably cost a large fortune to get it out. Therefore, buying any masks might be a hit that would kill your bank account. Fortunately though, if you’re in Victoria, the Andrews government has your back. Because these folks are giving away over three million masks. Here is everything that you need to know about this scheme:

What Sort of Face Masks Are Free?

Okay, putting my buckwild hypothetical aside, what the Victorian Government is doing is truly mint. This is because they are giving away N95 and KN95 masks. According to America’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, wearing one of these types of masks indoors might provide you better protection against COVID than a cloth mask or even a surgical one.

Related: Experts, If You Want People to Wear Masks, Mandate Them

Related: Health Experts Recommend You Keep Your Mask on Even as Restrictions Lift

Where Will These Free Masks Be Available? 

These masks will be given out at state-run testing sites. Over the next four to six weeks, anyone who rocks up to get a rapid antigen or a PCR test will receive a box of ten N95 masks. They’ll also get some instructions that’ll explain how they should be worn. 

But that’s not the only place these masks will be available. They’ll be free at community health services across Victoria, including a number of disability service providers. The masks will additionally be provided at multicultural events, multi-faith events, and Aboriginal gatherings. 

If you’re concerned that this list of places ends there, don’t be. The Victorian government is going all out. These masks will also be available at Public Transport Victoria hubs and some staffed train stations. In regional Vic, authorised officers and some V/Line conductors will be carrying said masks to help out their passengers as needed.

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