
The Internet Has Become the Worlds Largest Concert Space for Music-Lovers

Vance Joy

While Australia is spending majority of their time at all, it’s hard not to see that there is so much of the world that we took for granted day-to-day.

From a morning coffee with friends to an afternoon at the cinema and even the monotony of going into the office for work has brought on a new meaning.

While some are using the time to upskill, watch comfort TV or uplifting films, others are dancing like nobody is watching to their favourite 90s bands — but there’s one major event that cannot be replaced and that is a live concert.

During the coronavirus pandemic, celebrities are taking to the internet, creating the world’s largest concert space for their fans.

During their sessions, they answer questions, play songs and even upload hilarious (and cringe-worthy) clips for all to enjoy.

The Global Citizen and World Health Organisation (WHO) Solidarity Sessions: Together at Home was the first initiative to take place, with Chris Martin, Niall Horan, John Legend, Guy Sebastian, Vance Joy and Keith Urban among the musicians who have been taking part in 30-minute sets on Instagram Live.

Now, Sir Elton John has been announced as the host of a one-hour event, called Fox Presents the IHeart Living Room Concert for America, which will air commercial-free, for your social distancing pleasure.

While it’s not specifically for us here in Australia, we will be able to tune in through the iHeartRadio app on Monday, March 30 at midday.

Alicia Keys, Backstreet Boys, Billie Eilish, and even Mariah Carey will perform from their own homes, to ensure the health and safety of all involved — a first for a concert of its kind.

But, if you’re looking for something a little more low-key, other pop stars are taking to their own personal pages, to do impromptu sessions — without the involvement of others.

Angel on earth, Lizzo, is a fabulous flautist and has been serenading her fans with beautiful flute music, including “a meditation and mantra to promote healing during this global crisis” to use “at your own pace”.


Rita Wilson, who is currently in isolation in Australia after testing positive to coronavirus, took to her Instagram to rap to Kriss Kross’ Jump — and if you haven’t seen it yet, it’s golden.


On a local scale, Rob “Millsy” Mills, who has been home since Neighbours halted production, changed the lyrics to his hit, Ms Vanity — and it’s just perfect.


If you want to catch some of these stars for yourselves, make sure you have your Instagram notifications on for your favourite celebrities, because you never know when they’re about to put on a show.