Big Brother Australia: Meet Sam Manovski, Drew’s New Girlfriend

Sam big brother royalty vs new contenders 2022 cast

Channel 7

If you’ve been tuned into Big Brother Royalty Vs New Contenders, you’re likely familiar with intimacy coach Sam Manovski — aka Drew’s new girlfriend — by now.

As an intimacy coach, Manovski spends her time helping others explore their sexuality and sexual needs. In the house, though, she’s been exploring a love connection of her own, as sparks have flown between her and Anthony Drew. You know, Drew as in ‘Tully and Drew‘? As in, one of the most chaotic relationships to ever unfold on Australian screens? Yeah, that Drew. Oh, and did we mention that shortly after Manovski and Drew started hooking up, Tully Smyth entered the house as well? It’s fair to say it’s been a chaotic start to the season.

So far, Manovski has been taking it all in stride, but if we know reality TV, we’ll be expecting fireworks any day now.

Manovski describes herself as opinionated, outspoken, and a born leader who won’t tolerate being told what to do — particularly by another woman. She’s also not afraid to use her sexuality to get her way, and in her pre-show Q&A, says that she’s most looking forward to “winning”.

Outside the house, Manovski’s happiest when she’s met with “sunshine, the ocean and a juicy book”, and angriest when she feels that she’s “not being heard” or “being spoken to with disrespect and injustice”.

During her time in the house, she’s looking forward to “challenging [herself] to withstand the pressures of the mental and physical game”, but is less keen on “not having [her] own space”.

She’s expecting to be seen as a “very efficient, helpful and entertaining” housemate, who will charm her fellow competitors with her cooking, “great sense of humour” and her sensuality.

Does Manovski have what it takes to go all the way? Only time will tell. Until then…

Big Brother Royalty Vs New Contenders airs Monday – Wednesdays, only on Channel 7 and 7 Plus.

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