Introverts, Extroverts and Beyond: Everyone Can Flourish in a Hybrid Work Model

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If you’re one of the many workers or managers currently on a hybrid work model, you’d know that while it can take some adjusting to, it can really have its perks. You get the best of both worlds — working from both a professional and social setting and from the comfort of your own space, which you can design entirely on your own.

While many of us are now well-acquainted with hybrid work models, if you or any of the workers you lead are still struggling to adapt to it, you might want to familiarise yourself with these four working ‘personas’, identified in Forbes article 4 Different Working Personas—And How Hybrid Work Can Empower Them All.

They are; introverts, extroverts, visual processors and asynchronous workers. In the article, Nathan Rawlins, Chief Marketing Officer at visual collaboration suite Lucid, says hybrid work models give a new ‘voice’ to all four types of worker persona — but advises leaders to stay on top of how their hybrid model is working for employees.

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“Employers will need to accept that ensuring effective workplace collaboration and productivity cannot just be a one-time or one-location occurrence; it needs to be an ongoing and fluid process,” says Rawlins. “Business leaders must help people connect no matter when or where they’re working — or risk losing talent.”

So, what what do you need to know about these four working ‘personas’?


Introverts don’t need too much of an explanation — they’re shy, reticent, and prefer their own space. While they might thrive in remote work opportunities, particularly where they finally have a ‘voice’ in virtual group meetings without having to literally speak up, know that hybrid work gives them the balance of both remote and in-person.


The opposite of introverts, extroverts are outgoing and socially confident. Though they may have struggled working solely from home, again, know that hybrid models allow them the best of both worlds.

Visual Processors

Like how their name suggests, visual processors are those who need to see their thoughts to process them. When they’re in the office, they’ll seek our meeting rooms with whiteboards in them to sketch out their ideas. When working from home, they can use online canvas tools to show their thought processes and share them with others.

Asynchronous Workers

Finally, asynchronous workers are those who need a lot of flexibility in their schedules — for instance, working parents. These workers might need to take off in the middle of the day, but then will work early mornings or late evening hours. It’s important they’re able to contribute to team projects without missing out.

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