The Highlights: What Anthony Albanese Has Done in His “First 100 Days” As Prime Minister

Wow, it’s been 100 days since Anthony Albanese became Australia’s latest daddy. And the time has just flown, hasn’t it. But how is this father figure stacking up? Is he allowing us to eat carrot cake before dinner? Is he giving us M15+ movies to enjoy when mum’s not home? Is he solving the job shortage crisis that could crush our economy like a depression-era steamroller? 

Well, on August 29, Albanese addressed the National Press Conference for the first time becoming our Prime Minister. During this speech, he argued why he deserves a World’s Best Dad mug and outlined what he wants to do next. However, I’ll let you be the judge of his performance so far. Here are the highlights of Albanese’s latest speech:

Anthony Albanese’s Achievements

Near the start of Albanese’s talk, he was doing some pretty impressive flexing. “We’ve hit the ground running,” he boasted. Albanese then went on to list his government’s achievements of supporting flood-affected communities, implementing stronger biosecurity measures, fighting for a higher minimum wage, and lifting the country’s climate change ambitions. Albanese then noted, “We’ve also moved to change the way that government functions.”

Related: What a Labor Government Means for Australia

Related: How Labor’s Next Budget Will Fight the Cost of Living Crisis

Anthony Albanese VS the Cost of Living Crisis

In Albanese’s speech, he didn’t shy away from the fact that we’re in a cost of living crisis. “There are international factors driving up the cost-of-living,” he admitted, “But it’s also clearly the legacy of a decade of wage suppression and insecure work, and too many Australians being locked out of the labour force.”

However, Albanese is hoping to address these issues at the Job Summit that’s being held later this week. He outlined, “This week’s gathering will be the culmination of more than 100 pre-summit consultations that Ministers and government members have conducted all over the country, drawing on input from thousands of Australians looking at everything from improving economic participation for people with disability, to addressing our migration challenges, to boosting the numbers of Australians training in new technologies.”

This is a clever way of dealing with the cost of living crisis. Because if everyone has a living wage, then everyone can afford to buy food, make rent, and you know, live. 

But the roadmap doesn’t stop there. Albanese stated his plan to make medicine, childcare, housing, and power cheaper. “We’re here to build the strong-growth, fair-wage, high productivity economy that will deliver the next generation of prosperity for Australians,” he exclaimed. Whether or not Albanese can action such promises still remains a mystery. But if he wants to remain our daddy, being a man of his word might greatly improve his overall chances. 

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